
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Achimescu

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Achimescu

Vice-Rector, Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, Poland

Erna Hennicot-Schoepges

Erna Hennicot-Schoepges

Former Minister of Culture of Luxembourg

Jill Biebricher

Jill Biebricher

Designer (BA), Scientific Assistant, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Prof. Anna Bulanda-Pantalacci

Prof. Anna Bulanda-Pantalacci

Chairperson of the Board of DirectorsProfessor, Direction Cross Border Network of History and Arts, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Ioannis P. Kokkoris

Ioannis P. Kokkoris

MSc, PhD Research Associate at the Department of Biology, University of Patras Rion, Division of Plant Biology, Greece

Prof. Łucja Piwowar-Bagińska

Prof. Łucja Piwowar-Bagińska

Artist, Academic Teacher, Director of Art Institute University of Opole, Poland

Eva Molter

Eva Molter

Lawyer, Compliance Officer, Fresenius Medical Care AG, Law Office Eva Molter, Germany

Dr. hab. Kazimierz Ożog

Dr. hab. Kazimierz Ożog

Art Historian, Academic Teacher, Art Institute University of Opole, Poland

Heide Prinzessin von Hohenzollern

Heide Prinzessin von Hohenzollern

Honorar Chairperson of the Board of DirectorsManager of the Cultural Sector, Germany

Dr. hab. Magdalena Hlawacz

Dr. hab. Magdalena Hlawacz

Artist, Academic Teacher, Art Institute University of Opole, Poland

Dr. Michał Wanke

Dr. Michał Wanke

Academic Teacher, Researcher in Sociology, University of Opole, Poland

François Carbon

François Carbon

First Vice President of the Board of DirectorsChargé de mission culture, University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval, Maison du Savoir, Luxembourg

Marinella Rinaldis

Marinella Rinaldis

Social Worker, Social Pedagogy

Johannes Ben Jurca

Johannes Ben Jurca

Ben Jurca is founder, designer, and art director of the design studio Bas&Aer in Bremen. He is also active in various contexts of mediation and networking. For example, he coordinates…

Sonja Carta

Sonja Carta


Dr. hab. Bartłomiej Struzik

Dr. hab. Bartłomiej Struzik

Artist, Academic Teacher, Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, Poland

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