In the historical setting of Castle of Namedy close to the city of Andernach, Germany, artistic creativity and imagination could be explored to the fullest. The 10 day lasting workshop benefitted from the historical richness of the venue and developed to an intense process of intercultural exchange. Intercultural Places was rounded up with the ‘Night of t he Arts’, an impressive and scenic feast making full use of the rooms and gardens of the venue and transformed these into a notional reality. The outcomes of the workshop were exhibited in the Castle of Namedy.
The project European Forum of Exchange, the third of five in the series Spaces of Remembrance, is based on the idea of a moving university: a network of several European Art and Design Schools, wherein academic and artistic projects are worked on in interdisciplinary groups in changing European settings.

The hosting country is getting explored concerning its cultural, geo-political, historical and linguistic dimensions. Artists, craftsmen, scientists and politicians of the certain region, same as its infra structure are intergrated in the project. In this manner, a academic project develops from a local to a crossing-border cultural project, changing the setting every year.
Once a year, roundabout 60 students and 20 teachers meet in a European country for creative working for twelve days. This means intensive interdisciplinar work and intercultural exchange.

In the spring of 2009, students from five nations, split into interdisciplinary teams and supervised by professors from the participating universities, worked on various projects of different foci.

Participating Schools
- Fachhochschule Trier // University of Applied Sciences Trier, DE
- École Supérieure d´Art de Metz Métropole // Art Acamedy Metz, FR
- Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Kraków // Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, PL
- Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Gdańsk// Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk, PL
- University College, Dublin, IR
- Academie de Beaux-Arts de Liège // Art Academy Liège, BE
- University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Institut für künstlerische Keramik, Prof. Jochen Brandt, Institutsleiterin Prof. Ingrid Conrad-Lindig
- University of Opole, Art Institute, Director Prof. Lucja Baginska
- Concordia University Montreal, Department of Design & Computation Arts, Dean Prof. Martin Racine
- École Professionelle Supérieure des Arts et d´Architecture de la Ville de Paris, Director Brigitte Leroux
- Förderkreis der Burg Namedy e.V.
- Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz
- Events, Andernach
- Studierendenwerk Trier
- Förderkreis der Fachhochschule Trier e.V.
- Agenturhaus Trier
- Akademisches Auslandsamt, FH Trier
- Sparkasse Trier
- Trevision
- With the kind help of students of Communication-Design and Intermedia Design University of Applied Sciences, Trier